8 Ways to Live an Active Lifestyle

Apr 03, 2024 Fitness TipsLifestyle Tips 4 MIN

8 Ways to Live an Active Lifestyle

We all want to live an active lifestyle, but in a work and social environment increasingly focused on sitting in front of screens, it can be easy to forget just how to keep active! Thankfully, living an active lifestyle is fun and doesn't have to be complicated! Here are eight easy ways to help you live an active lifestyle!


Eat Healthy

One of the best ways to help support your active lifestyle is to ensure your body has all the nutrients it needs. Eating regular, balanced meals can help you support the energy levels you need to stay active. We recommend filling your diet with fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, and dairy as these will contain more of the nutrients that support your body than processed foods typically do. For additional support, Nature Made® Energy B12 Gummies provide a dose of Vitamin B12 to help convert food into cellular energy.†


Take A Multivitamin For Muscle Support

Maintaining an active lifestyle means using your muscles daily, and a multivitamin can help provide you with key nutrients that support them! Nature Made®'s new Advanced Multi for Adults Gummies provide 20 key nutrients for daily nutritional support, plus a good source of High Absorption Magnesium Citrate to support muscle relaxation and nerve, heart, and bone health. They've also got Calcium to help support strong bones, another important facet of a healthy, active lifestyle!†


Go For a Daily Walk or Run

One of the easiest and best ways to maintain an active lifestyle is by getting outside every day for a simple walk or run. Not only does this get your muscles moving and your heart pumping, but taking a daily walk with 10-15 minutes of uncovered skin exposed to sunlight (without sunscreen) can also provide you with essential Vitamin D, a nutrient with plenty of benefits! Vitamin D supports bone, teeth, muscle, and immune health; if you want to supplement your Vitamin D intake, try Nature Made® Vitamin D3 Softgels. Vitamin D3 is the body's preferred form of Vitamin D. For more information on why it's so good to walk, here are 20 Health Benefits of Walking, Plus Simple Tips On How to Start a Walking Routine !†


Pick Pickleball

Pickleball is the sporting craze that's sweeping the nation! A multigenerational game, pickleball is fun at any age, and it can be a great hobby to pick up to support an active lifestyle! Try grabbing a friend and going to a local pickleball court. Check out the Health Benefits of Pickleball if you want to read more about how and why pickleball might be a good fit for you! Finding exercise that you have fun doing makes you more likely to keep it up consistently, which is vital to keeping an active lifestyle.


Find the Fun

Pickleball is only one option when it comes to enjoyable exercise. If you find it hard to motivate yourself to stay active, find activities you enjoy that keep your body moving. There are many options for fun, active activities, like any number of team, competitive, or individual sports. Even something as simple as skipping rope can be a great way to stay active while having fun! Dancing is another activity that combines expressing yourself, having a good time, and getting some exercise, so give it a shot!


Find Walkable Activities

If you need more motivation to get out on your daily walk, try looking around your local area to find fun things to do and places to go within walking distance. Walking to your local library to check out a book, to your local movie theater to see the latest blockbuster, or even to a cute cafe for a cup of tea and a scone can be wonderful, enjoyable activities that can help motivate you to get out of the house, get moving, and keep an active lifestyle.


Include Your Friends

Including your friends in your active lifestyle can be a great way to keep yourself engaged and involved in your health. Going to the gym is a lot more fun when you've got a buddy to spot you, and taking a walk or a hike is the perfect time to catch up on the latest life updates (and gossip!) from your favorite people. If you want to find some new friends and stay active, check out local amateur sports leagues! There are groups for all ages and levels of experience, and the camaraderie that comes with the highs and lows of competitive team sports is a great way to forge long-lasting friendships while staying active.


Cellular Energy Support

We get our energy from the food we eat through a process known as metabolism. Metabolism is a complex process involving many systems and pathways in the body, and if you want to help support your energy metabolism, it's important to ensure you're getting enough of the proper nutrients. One of these key nutrients involved is Vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 supports brain cell function and helps convert the food you eat into cellular energy, and is found mostly in animal foods, such as beef, fish and shellfish, eggs, and dairy such as milk and yogurt. If your diet doesn't include many animal foods, you may be interested in supplementing with Nature Made® Vitamin B12 Softgels . For more information on the what, how, and why of your metabolism, check out this guide to Understanding Your Metabolism .†


Support for an Active Lifestyle at Any Age with Nature Made®

Nature Made® is proud to support an active lifestyle with essential vitamins, nutrients, and supplements for any age, gender, and life stage. We hope these tips help you live an active lifestyle; for more information, check out Supplements to Support a Healthy Active Lifestyle . Nature Made® is the #1 pharmacist-recommended vitamin and supplement brand.*


*Based on a survey of pharmacists who recommend branded vitamins and supplements

† These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


Graham Morris

NatureMade Copywriter

Graham has a degree in film with a focus on screenwriting from the University of California, Santa Cruz. He enjoys learning new things and finding the best, most engaging way to communicate them to a wide audience. Graham appreciates simplicity in life and nutrition, and wants to find the easiest, no-stress ways to stay healthy.

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Kalyn Williams, RDN

Science and Health Educator

Kalyn is a Registered Dietitian-Nutritionist and a Science & Health Educator with the Medical and Scientific Communications team at Pharmavite. Her experience in the field of nutrition prior to joining Pharmavite has included community and public health education, media dietetics, and clinical practice in the areas of disordered eating, diabetes, women’s health, and general wellness. Kalyn received her Bachelor of Science degree in Nutrition and Dietetics from Arizona State University in Phoenix, Arizona, and completed her dietetic supervised practice in Maricopa County, AZ, with an emphasis on public health. Kalyn is certified in Integrative and Functional Nutrition through the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, where she is an active member in addition to memberships in Dietitians in Functional Medicine, Women’s Health Dietitians, and the International Federation of Eating Disorder Dietitians.

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